"Even So"

Do you remember a time in your life when you were surrounded by friends? I'm talking about being smothered in love so thick from friends that you know are the "closer than a brother" type of friends? For me, that time was in college. I was blessed to be surrounded by some of the best people in the world, and, more than that, I was doubly blessed that they loved me as I loved them.

We hardly see each other anymore, as we've grown up, graduated and entered the world of responsibility. But, that love remains.

One of these dear friends is Joanna, fondly referred to as Jo. My friend Jo has a way with words. While reading her blog you can alternately spew drink on the computer screen from laughter and have your eyes fill with tears as your heart fills with hope. But, not only does she use that gift to entertain and inspire us on her blog. She also pairs it with a second gift, the gift of song, and shares beautiful songs that pierce the soul.

One such song is entitled, "Even So" and I will share some of the lyrics here:

Like rain on a tin roof, a sweeter sound I've never heard
than the sound of someone singing while they cry.
Can I be so faithful? Can I pray,“Even so,
my heart will rejoice in the Lord?”

I find myself singing the words to this song often, and as I sing it I wonder: Would I be so faithful? I've known saints who've sung through tears of sorrow, and the sight and sound simultaneously humbles and builds you up. A faith that strong is admirable. I want it.

These words also resonate with me:
But I never knew you then the way I know you now.
Could I have ever learned to pray if you hadn’t let me fall down?
A scripture inspiration for this song is Habakkuk 3:17-19

Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD;

I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
GOD, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like the deer’s;
he makes me tread on my high places.
This happens to be one of my father-in-law's favorite scriptures and one of mine as well. I've mentioned before that I got the name of my blog from my favorite book, Hinds' Feet on High Places. As you can see, that book also took some inspiration from this passage. God is so mighty, so faithful, and so worthy of praise despite any circumstance. It's so easy to focus on myself and so hard to keep in mind that it is not about me. This song inspires me to remember what I know...more importantly, it inspires me to remember Who I know.

So, check out Jo's blog Little Footsteps and go here to download her music. If you happen to be a facebook friend, you can check it out on my profile under the "boxes" section.


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